Vocal Studio

L.A.Mitchell has always paralleled her performance career with being a vocal coach. In her formal training as a jazz vocalist she had to overcome a list of personal vocal issues such as constriction, pressure, tension, fatigue, limited range and lack of power. She discovered a passion for understanding the physiology of the voice and found an approach to gently coach people through the same issues she faced  at the beginning of her career.

Her aim is for students to understand how they make sound and what that feels like, so they can choose what to do and not be stuck doing only what they can manage. Recognising that the voice is a muscle and the support for it is also through the movement of muscles, she teaches about voice like an athletic pursuit - building muscle recognition and strength.

Here she offers 20 years of experience working with a wide variety of singers, from contemporary genres, people looking for their voice after years of being told not to sing, young people beginning in their careers and professionals looking to hone in on problem areas.  It’s all here for you too. 

She has held positions at Auckland University, Ara Music Arts, Christchurch and is the current Contemporary Vocal Tutor at Canterbury University.